The National Academies

The National Academies: What You Need To Know About Infectious Disease

What You Need To Know About Infectious Disease

Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome

Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) is a rare but deadly disease that was first recognized in 1993 and has since been identified throughout the United States. Certain species of rodents are the only known animal carriers, including deer mice in the Southwest, cotton rats and rice rats in the Southeast, and the white-footed mouse in the Northeast.
Rodents shed the virus in their urine, droppings, and saliva. The virus is mainly transmitted to people when they breathe in air contaminated with the virus. Researchers also suspect people can become sick if they eat food contaminated by urine, droppings, or saliva from an infected rodent. The disease cannot be transmitted from person to person.
Symptoms may occur between 1 and 8 weeks after exposure. Early symptoms include fatigue, fever, and muscle aches, especially in the large muscle groups—thighs, hips, back, and sometimes shoulders. These symptoms are universal. There may also be headaches, dizziness, chills, and abdominal problems, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. About half of all HPS patients experience these symptoms. The late symptoms of HPS appear 4 to 10 days after the initial phase of illness. These include coughing and shortness of breath, with the sensation of, as one survivor put it, a “tight band around my chest and a pillow over my face” as the lungs fill with fluid.
There is no specific treatment, cure, or vaccine for hantavirus infection. However, if infected individuals are recognized early and receive medical care in an intensive care unit, then their outcomes may be better. In intensive care, patients are intubated and given oxygen therapy to help them through the period of severe respiratory distress.
Eliminate or minimize contact with rodents at home, at the workplace, and in recreational areas. Seal up any holes or gaps in your home or garage, and place traps in and around your home to decrease rodent infestation. Clean up any easy-to-reach food. The most sensible way to avoid contact with infected rodents is to prevent rodents from infesting the places where you live and work and to follow safety precautions if you enter a rodent-infested area. It is important to avoid actions that raise dust, such as sweeping or vacuuming. Infection occurs when you breathe in virus particles.

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What do you know about infectious disease?

True or False: Growing evidence suggests that infections are behind many chronic diseases once thought to be caused by genetic, environmental, or lifestyle factors.

  • Correct!
    Growing evidence does suggest that infections are behind many chronic diseases once thought to be caused by genetic, environmental, or lifestyle factors, including peptic ulcers and cervical, liver, and gastric cancers.
  • Sorry, that’s incorrect.

    Growing evidence does suggest that infections are behind many chronic diseases once thought to be caused by genetic, environmental, or lifestyle factors, including peptic ulcers and cervical, liver, and gastric cancers.

Infectious Disease Defined


A type of virus that is responsible for causing upper respiratory tract infections in humans, otherwise known as the common cold.

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