The National Academies

The National Academies: What You Need To Know About Energy

What You Need To Know About Energy

Energy Efficiency

Increasing the energy supply is not the only answer to a stable energy future. Reducing demand through the improved efficiency of devices and procedures has the same end result. Learn about energy efficiency “wins” from the past and areas showing potential for the future.

Getting More for Less

Getting More for Less

The United States, with only 4.4% of the planet’s population, consumes 17% of the world’s total energy.

What’s “energy intensity” and why is it important to the ways in which the United States will meet its future energy needs?

More about getting more for less

CAFE Standards

CAFE Standards

Federal standards have prompted a dramatic increase in vehicle fuel efficiency and more may be on the way.

The CAFE standards set fuel efficiency requirements for all cars and light trucks and new regulations are focusing on medium- and heavy-duty vehicles, such as tractor-trailers. Find out how these regulations affect our demand for oil.

More about cafe standards

Industrial Efficiency

Industrial Efficiency

Industry accounts for about one-third of all the energy consumed in the United States, more than any other sector of the economy.

Seven industries are responsible for three-fourths of the energy used by the industrial sector. Which industries are the most energy-intensive and what are some targets for efficiency improvements?

More about industrial efficiency



In the past 30 years, the amount of energy required to run a household refrigerator has been reduced by two-thirds.

In the mid-1970s, government and industry joined forces to research and develop improvements to the efficiency of household refrigerators. Find out more about this energy efficiency success story.

More about refrigeration



Lighting accounts for 10% of the electricity used in the U.S. residential sector and 19% in the commercial sector.

It is one area in which great strides are being made in boosting energy efficiency. Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), for example, use energy more efficiently than traditional incandescent lightbulbs. Lamps that employ light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are even more efficient. What are the prospects for further improvements?

More about lighting

Heating & Cooling

Heating & Cooling

Current trends indicate that by 2040 residential buildings will consume up to 9% less energy for heating but about 3% more for cooling.

Controlling our indoor climate requires a lot of energy. Learn how advances in heating and cooling efficiency are helping to offset demographic, climate, and lifestyle trends that in recent years have been driving up the demand for energy.

More about heating & cooling

Explore Other Topics

Energy Hands-on

The Promise of Better Lighting

Energy savings through lighting technology

Energy Defined


A photochemical haze that is produced when sunlight reacts with the emissions of hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen in the atmosphere. Primarily caused by excess automobile exhaust, it is a form of air pollution that can be threatening to human health.

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